Have you ever worked really hard on something that you where proud of only to told you can't work on that any more. Well I have and let me tell you it sucks really bad. Noxious was my pride and joy and I can't work on it any more because I was told that I was not preforming to their standard. I got a B+ the first time, and our Art Director told me that for the last week I need to do a lot. Which I did...so well in fact that it was not the reason why I was fired. The first 2 weeks of "no work" was the reason...most of that really wasn't my fault. I did the work they just didn't put it in game which just so happens to be how we get graded....go figure. "But we like you, your good for the team and you don't cause any problems so you have and option. You can take start the 5 month process over again or you can go a month back with a team in dire need of animations." To me that wasn't really an option lol.
So now im back in Beta...with a whole another team. They where completely right though they really need and animator. Although im not the best I know what ever I do will be 10 times better than what is currently in game. And they only have 2 characters as a pose of the 5 from Noxious. It was the best thing that could have happend on the worst day ever. Later on I found out I also failed Game Asset Creation...and thats why December 2011 is the worst December ever.
My name is not Lauren Ashley Holloway for nothing, and my momma didn't raise a quitter. I know I will be the first child of my generation on my mom's side to graduate and do so before the age of 21. Im cutting it close seeing as though my birthday is April 25th but I know I can do it and so do my family and friends. No matter what I know they will be proud of me and support me for how ever long I need them. I can and will
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